Patience and Progress

I will never ever underestimate what it takes to get a vacation rental together again.  It's been partly fun, planning and making purchases, but there are nights I think my body will never feel the same after painting on a ladder all day.  Then I wake up and do it again!

Major purchases are near completion; some super mattresses with plush and euro tops that I'm a bit jealous of, new tv's and rugs. 

We are still searching for a compact sleeper sofa that looks good, affordable and we won't die carrying it upstairs.  I feel like this will be the last purchase/decision!

I'm kind of leaning towards this one's simple design and good feedback on the Serta mattress.  From Wayfair.

some available at our shop Nest Interiors
The fun part is planning and collecting art work for the walls.  I actually have a lot of great Louisiana and Southern regional art and prints that I'm just not using!  So voila, a few are getting framed, other's waiting for their walls to be painted, the rest I have no idea but I can't wait to see it all pulled together.

So, keep those fingers crossed; we hope to open the doors in about 6 weeks.  If we can get a few good concept pictures that do not look like a construction site, we will open booking.



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