Trust Falls

Did you ever practice the exercise "trust falls"; the one where you fall back blindly, hoping the person, you may or may not even know, will catch you before you fall to the ground?

I was never a fan the couple times I attempted it...but that feeling was exactly the same feeling I had once our first guests checked in.  We had panicked so hard about getting it ready, stocked, super clean...we never thought about how it would feel for our guests (strangers!) to be in our home stay!

I'm happy to say we survived, our place survived...everything was more than fine.  In fact they were too good!  You could barely tell anyone had visited; they even made the beds!
And like that, we have our first 5 star review!  And as our next guests check in today, I'm feeling a lot better.  I know it will get easier and we are booked EVERY weekend this month, so I'll have lots of opportunities to fall and trust my guests have my back...and will come back!
Mom said it would be fun to clean...
The other side of this is I am becoming the cleanest, most organized person on the planet.  And I welcome it.  I have become friends with the Target cleaning aisles; I now own a multitude of brushes, telescoping lint brushes, know the difference between "clean linen" and "fresh linen" scent. I also can see one single human hair from across the room...this is a powerful gift!  I am SUPER clean!

Next week, I'll share some special events coming to our area that we still have availability to book.  Fall is shaping up to be a fun and festive time!

See you soon,


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